Reactive İnvoice

In today's world, where it is getting more and more difficult for companies to survive, we are struggling with increasing costs day by day. Crisis is now an important part of our lives.
Companies are trying to survive by reducing their expenses within themselves. But many of us, while trying to survive, incur extra costs without realising it or being made aware of it. One of these is our subject, electricity bills... Since we are not fully informed by the electricity institutions, we are not even aware of the "Reactive Charges" we pay in electricity bills. These costs occupy a place in the invoice that is not to be underestimated at all. But they do not even catch our eyes in the confusion of numbers in the invoices. In some invoices, it is even impossible to understand what is what because the numbers are shifted up or down. The reason for these Reactive Fees we pay is that there are either no compensation systems in our electrical installations or they cannot meet today's conditions because they are old and poorly maintained. As 3FAZ ENGINEERING, our aim is to share our company's experience of more than 10 years with you and to save you from unnecessary "Reactive Fees" that you pay in your invoices. The small investments you will make for this business will be reflected as profit to your company in a short time. We can summarise what these extra charges are and how to get rid of them as follows. How should I understand that I am paying a reactive penalty?
Why does this cost occur?
As it is known, compensation systems in enterprises with electricity contract power of 9 KW and above have been stipulated by electricity institutions (TEDAŞ, BEDAŞ, AYEDAŞ etc.). However, the law does not end with this. Subscribers of 9 KW and above have stipulated that the INDUCTIVE and CAPACITIVE ratios, which are other components of electricity, must be at certain values. If these values are not kept at certain rates, subscribers are fined. Reactive penalty is not paid in professionally programmed compensation systems. You can easily see whether you pay reactive penalty fee or not by looking at your electricity bill. You can see the difference in your own invoice if you carefully examine the invoices that will serve as an example below, paying reactive fee (figure 1) and not paying reactive fee (figure 2).
What do you need to do to avoid paying this fine?
In order not to pay this penalty, as mentioned above, your compensation system should be designed and arranged according to your needs by experts.
What is the cost of this system?
The cost of this system varies according to the needs of your business. Price; We can inform you as a result of the discoveries to be made.
And when you have this system installed, how can you guarantee that you will not be fined?
If the system is installed by us, we will follow up the penalty for one year under warranty after delivery. If any penalty fee occurs within this one year, it will be covered by us. At the end of one year, if the enterprise wishes, an annual maintenance and follow-up agreement will be made.
What is the lifetime of this system? How much profit does it provide to the business in the long term?
The life of the system is at least ten years if the maintenance is done. If the materials we install in the first year fail, they will be replaced under warranty. During the annual maintenance, the costs to be spent will be much lower than the monthly penalty fees to be paid.
For example, if we take an enterprise that pays a penalty of 300 TL per month as a basis, 300TL x 60 months = 18.000 TL in five years and 300TL x 120 months = 36.000 TL in ten years.